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Recent architecture theory launches "Noetics Without a Mind" & "Footprint 34 Narrating Shared Futures"

Recent architecture theory launches

Below we share the first two architecture theory launches of 2025, both co-published by Jap Sam Books. These publications are the latest additions to two book series, Footprint 34 Narrating Shared Futures in the Footprint series, and Noetics Without a Mind in the Ecologies of Architecture book series.

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Book launch October 19th 5-7PM Paintings dedicated to her muse - Jacqueline Peeters Gallery Gerhard Hofland

Book launch October 19th 5-7PM Paintings dedicated to her muse - Jacqueline Peeters Gallery Gerhard Hofland

Photo by Jacqueline Peeters/gallery Gerhard Hofland

At the opening of the exhibition Chez Paul et Bunny Mellon by Jacqueline Peeters at gallery Gerhard Hofland in Amsterdam on October 19th from 5-7PM, Peeters will present her new publication Paintings dedicated to her muse, published by Jap Sam Books. The form of the publication is inspired by a cardboard children's book and consist of full page images of paintings. 

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NEW 2024-2025 catalogue

NEW 2024-2025 catalogue

It's here! We are excited to share the new 2024-2025 catalogue with you, filled with recent launches and offering a look into what publications are to come in the near future. The design and beautiful new cover image are by designer Montse Hernàndez i Sala.

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November 29th launch event 'Role of Play' at Pakhuis de Zwijger

November 29th launch event 'Role of Play' at Pakhuis de Zwijger

On the occasion of the book launch of Role of Play. New Games, New Chances. A Future Perspective on Play in Society by Ben Schouten and Menno Deen, Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam organizes an evening to engage in conversation and playful interaction with various designers and researchers about how our gaming culture has changed since the digital revolution of the past 50 years. 

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Sunday November 12th, the publication A BLACK COLLAGE (as well as the Dutch edition EEN ZWARTE COLLAGE) will launch at Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort. During this event there will be a performance by jazz singer Luyi, a reading by essayist, columnist and presentor Stephan Sanders, and a talk and Q&A by Robbert Roos and Rob Perrée.

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