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  • Recent reprints "De artistieke attitude" & "Landscape Logic"
  • Ronja Driessen
  • architecture art new reprint

Recent reprints "De artistieke attitude" & "Landscape Logic"

Recent reprints

Below we share the first two reprints by Jap Sam Books of 2025. Sold out publications De Artistieke Attitude, and Landscape Logic now have a second edition.

De Artistieke Attitude [Second Edition] [Dutch version]

‘In recent years, the practices of artists in non-artistic environments have set my mind in motion. Where before I could marvel at the visual outcomes of the artistic process and would want to understand how processes of creating meaning could be described, I am now particularly struck by the way in which artists are present, by their way of looking, how they make decisions, when and how they act, how they take responsibility. I have conversations with them and ask questions to better understand their processes, and I explore literature to find people with a similar quest. This process of moving and being moved lies at the heart of the book The Artistic Attitude.’ – Anke Coumans, Professor Image in Context, Minerva Art Academy, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen 

Author: Anke Coumans i.c.w. Hans van Driel, interviews with: Sanne Boekel, Jeroen Boomgaard, Barend van Heusden, Anita Koops, Jedidja Smalbil, Jonas Staal, Bibi Straatman, interviews by: Anke Coumans, Ilja Scheifes, Irun Scheifes, final editor: Hans van Driel, Eleonoor Jap Sam, Sylvia Sebregts, graphic design: MARK IT ZERO, printer: ORO Grafisch Project Management

This publication is an initiative of Anke Coumans, Lector Image in Context, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Academie Minerva.

Order De artistieke attitude >>>

Landscape Logic [Second Edition]

Landscape Logic is an essay on the need for a landscape-based approach to designing sustainable urban environments.

Urbanization is one of the biggest challenges of this century. Urban development comes at the expense of fragile ecosystems that protect and provide us with food and water, not to mention the associated increasing vulnerability to flooding, drought, and social inequality. We therefore need a landscape-based approach to urbanism that considers the biosphere as the context for social and economic development and takes the landscape as its basis.

Landscape-based urbanism utilizes the understanding of the landscape system and its ecological and social-cultural processes and relationships – landscape logic – as the foundation for designing sustainable urban environments across scales. Design with nature, people, and history are at the approach’s core. Using landscape logic, we can build nature-inclusively and climate-adaptively and ensure a healthy and safe living environment for everyone.

Author: Steffen Nijhuis, design: Thomas Soete, editing: Eleonoor Jap Sam, translation: Robert van de Walle

Published by Jap Sam Books in cooperation with Delft University of Technology

Order Landscape Logic >>>

  • Post author
    Ronja Driessen
  • architecture art new reprint