The Best Dutch Book Designs Student Selection 2020

Our title The Academy of the Sublime by artist Erik Odijk is selected for the student selection of the Best Dutch Book Designs. The jury for the student selection consists of five students from different Dutch art academies. This is what they wrote about The Academy of the Sublime:
"With this publication we enjoyed playing around by taking out pages and re-assembling the work of Erik Odijk. With the darker side of nature as his protagonist, the artist intends to show us a euphoric experience that we might have forgotten due to our civilised lifestyle. The designers supported him in his mission by creating a publication that could function as a book or portable exhibition. with its refined red typography on yellow paper and materials that honour and compliment Odijk's work, we loved this publication's mystery and enjoyed our dive in its loose spreads and endless possibilities."
Not only is our title The Walter Benjamin and Albert S. Project by artist Maurice Bogaert selected by the The Best Dutch Book Designs jury, it is also selected for the student selection:
"The shimmering silver ink marks the subtlety of this book: we were all staring into the repetition of the silver images, almost floating on a carefully selected black paper, with small text blocks marking a pause, creating a rhythm. The layout of this book illustrates the parallel lives of Walter Benjamin and Albert Speer, highlighting the story Maurice Bogaert wants to tell with a slightly open door on the cover, inviting us in."
In the student selection 2020 catalog multiple makers that contributed to the selected books talk about all the different aspects of making a book.
Joost Grootens (Studio Joost Grootens), designer for The Academy of the Sublime on how the unbound design adds to the concept of this book:
"The big advantage of the unbound booklet is that you can have image cuts or meeting another image crudely by folding. But then still, by taking it apart, you access the complete image if you want. Therefore, you could have both, full images and a combination of images."
The books are on view at the Stedelijk Museum until 31th of October, 2021