Just in '111 INCEPTION'

We wanted to share some amazing colourful imagery of the new publication 111 INCEPTION by Anna Bates.
111 INCEPTION is a collaborative experimental book, which emphasizes a new way of thinking about authorship, collective creation, inspiration and ideas.
The project grew to an astonishing global level and created a collection of 111 works materialized from a collaborative experimental project. Paintings, sketches, pieces of architecture, photography and even poetry. 111 renowned architects from 28 countries in 5 continents, form a chain— each contribution is a reaction inspired by the previous work.
How does inspiration move in the atmosphere? How do we inspire each other? And how does this inspiration change through each person’s unique experience? To find out, Anna Bates set an experiment by tasking an architect to find inspiration in Theo van Doesburg’s painting “The Rhythm of a Russian Dance”, and then passed his work to other architects.
Design by Studio Joost Grootens
Published by Jap Sam Books in cooperation with Annvil and Make Make