10.01.2020 Book launch pietsjanke fokkema. Utwrydsk

We would like to invite you to the book launch of pietsjanke fokkema. Utwrydsk in Fries Museum, Leeuwarden and the opening of the exhibition Romte in galerie Getekend in Heerenveen.
>>>> first location Fries Museum, Wilhelminaplein 92, 8911 BS Leeuwarden, www.friesmuseum.nl
15:00 Fries Museum, doors open
15:15 welcome by Jos Taekema, head Collections and publisher Eleonoor Jap Sam
15:20 screening of the film 'Het is niet ver weg' about the installation Utwrydsk, with a short introduction by filmmaker Marja Sonneveld
15:40 Lieneke Hulshof, editor in chief of Mister Motley will talk with artist pietsjanke fokkema about the book and art work Utwrydsk
16:00 Reading of the Frysian text from the book pietsjanke fokkema. Utwrydsk
16:05 Presentation of the special edition by pietsjanke fokkema, and handing over of one of these limited copies to Jos Taekema
16:10-17:00 Drinks, book sales and signing
>>>> second location galerie Getekend, Stationsstraat 6 Heerenveen, www.galeriegetekend.nl
18:30 Galerie Getekend, doors open, soup and sandwiches
19:00 Opening of the exhibition Romte by art historian Yve de Vries
Authors: Kie Ellens, pietsjanke fokkema. Translators, Kate Eaton (English-Dutch), Klaas van der Hoek (Frisian). Design: Winneke Hazewinkel. Lithography: Marc Gijzen
Published by Jap Sam Books with the support of the Jaap Harten Fonds, Tijl Fonds, the Province of Fryslân, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Friesland, Fonds Kwadraat, private sponsors and crowdfunding/voordekunst.nl