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Art / Bookazines / Series / Landscape | Nature / Photography
ISBN 978-94-90322-53-3
Peter de Kan
11 x 18 cm
Release date: April 2015
Cool Pastoral Splendor is the first Center Pivot publication the Last Chance Press of M12 Studio. It is published as a special limited edition, in a print run of 250 copies. Co-publishers: M12 Collective and the Last Chance Press.
Through interdisciplinary approaches, this series explores and connects the changing realities of rural landscapes and communities around the world.
Zelfbouw en de herontdekking van de portiekflat / A new perspective on the post-war social housing block
Architecture / Awarded / Photography / Theory / Urbanism
Antoin Buissink
17 x 24 cm
Dutch / English
Date of release: July 2017
Made possible with the support of Creative Industries Fund NL, the Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting, and gemeente Amsterdam, stadsdeel Nieuw West, Provincie Noord-Holland, Urbannerdam, Vanschagen Architects, Coffeemania.
The project 'Klussen op de Klarenstraat' is winner of the Amsterdam Architectuurprijs 2015 (Gouden A.A.P. 2015,) Beste vier ARC14 Award, Nominatie Zuiderkerkprijs 2014
On the Shortlist of the DAM ARCHITECTURAL BOOK AWARD 2017.
978-90-5973-033-5 [episode]
Hugo d'Alte | xbold
22,5 x 32
English / Dutch
special offer: now only € 12.50 instead of € 23,50 [the Netherlands] € 26,00 [Europe] € 29,50 [outside Europa]
Art / Artist books / Photography
Art / Landscape | Nature / Photography
978-90-5973-106-6 [episode]
Reynoud Homan
25 x 34 cm
This publication has been generous supported by the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture
Only available in English
Preview of the book: Dutchscapes
Architecture / Art / Photography
Arnold Estefán
15 x 21 cm
Date of release: December 2013
Translations: Alistair Ian Blyth
Published with financial support from the Mondriaan Fund.
Art / Awarded / Landscape | Nature / Photography
Studio Joost Grootens (Joost Grootens, Dimitri Jeannottat)
27 x 36 cm
Numerous illustrations
English / Dutch
Final editor: Eleonoor Jap Sam / Project development, coordination & advice: AB Cultural Producers Anne Hoogewoning, Bonnie Dumanaw
Made possible with the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdams fonds voor de Kunst, Jaap Harten Fonds, and crowdfunding/voordekunst.
Art / Awarded / Film / video / Photography
Gerard 's-Gravendijk
15 x 20 cm
English (translations Dirk Verbiest)
With text contributions by Andrea Cinel and An van. Dienderen.
Co-publisher: Argos Centre for Art & Media, Brussels. Argos is the leading national institute for art film and video in Brussels. Argos was the first—and still is—the most complete art centre devoted to this recent art form in Belgium. Argos’ expertise with regard to the conservation, restoration, production and presentation of art films and videos is widely recognized.
Made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund.
Art / Artist books / Awarded / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Philosophy / Photography
Made possible by Mondriaan Fund, Jaap Harten Fonds, Stichting Stokroos, het Cultuurfonds Noord-Holland, AAP-lab, Donateurs Crowdfunding Voordekunst
Kummer & Herrman
23 x 28 cm
Release date: 9 April 2022
This book is published with the support of Creative Industries Fund NL, EFL Stichting.
More than 70 percent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050. Cities in Africa, Latin America and Asia in particular are growing like never before. Photographer Yvonne Brandwijk and journalist Stephanie Bakker travelled to five of the fastest-growing cities in the world. Not to Mumbai or Shanghai, but to the up-and-coming cultural, creative and economic hubs of tomorrow: Kinshasa, Lima, Yangon, Medellín and Addis Ababa.
In this book, they share five years of travel, insights into urban development and encounters with trend-setters, pioneers, visionaries and up-and-coming talent transforming the fortunes of their cities. The personal stories of these people open an intimate window onto the world behind the statistics of urbanisation and growth and provide insights into what it takes to develop inclusive cities that offer space for unique individuals and personal growth.
Stories from the Future Cities project have appeared across a wide range of international media (including newspapers de Volkskrant, die Welt, El Pais, Le Monde, de Morgen). Commissioned by the United Nations, an exhibition was put together for the Habitat3 urban summit in Quito, Ecuador, and the interactive Future Cities documentary won a World Press Photo Award for Digital Storytelling.
Landscape | Nature / Photography
Montse Hernandez i Sala
15 x 23.5 cm
This publication has been made possible with the support of Gemeente Haarlemmermeer, Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnlanden and Stichting Vrienden Podium voor Architectuur
Het Ringvaartgevoel. Een ontdekkingsreis rond de Haarlemmermeer is published by Jap Sam Books in co-operation with the Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer en Schiphol.
Only available in Dutch
For more information:
Art / Landscape | Nature / Philosophy / Photography / Theory / Urbanism
Mind Design - Niels Schrader
17 x 25.5 cm
English / Dutch
Release date: November 2011
This publication is supported by Fonds BKVB, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and Virtueel Museum Zuidas.
Les Edition de Minuit, Paris has given permission for use and the Dutch translation of the text 'L'ile deserte (Causes et raisons des iles deserte, Gilles Deleuze (1953). For the English translation we used the existing translation of Mike Taormina, Semiotext(e), Foreign Agents, 2004, with the approval of the publisher Semiotext(e), Los Angeles.