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30.10.2018 Van Eesteren Gesprek #66

In 2017 Jap Sam Books published DIY Klarenstraat. At the Van Eesteren Museum a talk about the future of the apartment block.


Contributors: Patricia van Ulzen (co-editor of DIY Klarenstraat), Jeroen Schilt (Monumenten en Archeologie, gemeente Amsterdam), Arjan Gooijer (architect Vanschagen Architecten Rotterdam).

Date: Tuesday October 30, 2018
Start: 8 pm
Eindtijd: 10 pm
Location: Van Eesteren Paviljoen
Free entrance

For more information: 

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Metaphonics - Book launch schedule

Metaphonics - Book launch schedule

Join us for the launch of METAPHONICS:

For Stuart Hyatt, the world itself is a recording studio where people, places, and things become the instruments. Hyatt has spent the last four years collecting these sounds and arranging them into uniquely site-responsive music. Working collaboratively under the name Field Works, musicians from around the world have contributed over 50 new compositions to this massive collection.

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