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New titles

  • DIAMONDS ARE not FOR EVERyone. Kees de Goede
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    DIAMONDS ARE not FOR EVERyone. Kees de Goede

    astraaltekeningen / astral drawings 1982-2023

    Kees de Goede


    Art / Artist books / New titles / Special editions & prints

    ISBN 978-94-93329-13-3
    Price € 85,-
    Texts Hans den Hartog Jager, Nanda Janssen, Tommy Wieringa 
    Text editing Dorine Duyster
    Design Tessa van der Waals
    Translation Beth O'Brien
    Number of pages 432
    Book size 24.5 x 33.5 cm
    Binding Hardcover
    Printing & binding drukkerij robstolk®
    Language Dutch | English
    Release date May 22, 2024
    Publisher Jap Sam Books

    With the support of Mondriaan Fund, Jaap Harten Fonds, Carla van den Brink, Joe Ruck & Donna Ito, Benien Performing Arts Management, Brendan Becht, Jeron Halewijn

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  • Special signed edition - Six impossible things before breakfast
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    Special signed edition - Six impossible things before breakfast

    Ingrid De Coster - special edition


    Architecture / Art / Artist books / Design / New titles / Special editions & prints

    ISBN 978-94-93329-05-8
    Price € 67.00
    Idea Ingrid De Coster
    Fellow travellers Bas Schevers, Loes Verstappen
    Text Bruno De Wachter, Ingrid De Coster
    Photography Bas Schevers with Ingrid De Coster
    Text editing Eleonoor Jap Sam, Loes Verstappen
    Translation  Patrick Lennon
    Design Loes Verstappen with Ingrid De Coster
    Lithography Marc Gijzen
    Number of pages 296 
    Book size 17 x 22.95 cm
    Binding Softcover unbound, special hand-punched cover edition
    Language English / Dutch
    Release date November 2023
    Printer Zwaan Lenoir
    Binder Patist
    Publisher Jap Sam Books


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  • The International Celebration of Blasphemy and the Sacred / La célébration internationale du blasphème et du sacré
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    The International Celebration of Blasphemy and the Sacred / La célébration internationale du blasphème et du sacré

    CATPC with Hicham Khalidi and Renzo Martens / CATPC avec Hicham Khalidi et Renzo Martens

    Milo Vermeire [ed.]


    Art / New titles

    ISBN 978-90-76936-59-8
    Price € 29,95
    Editing Milo Vermeire
    Authors Eelco van der Lingen [Introduction], Hicham Khalidi, Amanda Sarroff, Ced'art Tamasala and CATPC, Renzo Martens
    Final editing & proofreading Eleonoor Jap Sam (final editor), Aaron Bogart (English), Natasha Leeman (French)
    Translation English Renzo Martens, Marie Louise Schoondergang
    Translation French Het Vertaalcollectief
    Photography Peter Tijhuis(Sculptures in Cacao), CATPC (Sculptures in Clay)
    Film Stills Jurgen Lisse
    Graphic design Michaël Snitker
    Number of pages 240
    Book size 21 x 28 cm
    Binding softcover
    Language English | French
    Printer Wilco Art Books
    Lithography Wilco Art Books (Mariska Bijl), Sanne Peper
    Binding Patist Boekbinders
    Release date April 17, 2024
    Publisher Mondriaan Fund
    Publisher partner Jap Sam Books

    Promotional book photos: The Book Photographer / Design Michaël Snitker
    Exhibition photos: Peter Tijhuis

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  • My Mom Wants to Go Back Home. Hanna Hrabarska
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    Art / Artist books / Awarded / New titles / Photography

    ISBN 978-94-93329-07-2
    Price € 50.-
    Author Hanna Hrabarska
    Photography Hanna Hrabarska, Iryna Hrabarska
    Image editors Hanna Hrabarska, Edwin van Gelder
    Text editors Michiel Schwarz, Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Design Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder)
    Number of pages 216
    Book size  21 x 27 cm
    Binding Hardcover
    Printing NPN drukkers
    Lithography Alex Feenstra
    Language English 
    Release date April 2024
    Publisher Jap Sam Books

    Made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund, Cultuurfonds, crowdfunding/Voordekunst, and all those who supported Hanna Hrabarska to realize her project. 

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  • Taiwan Strait. Conscious City Incubator
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    Taiwan Strait. Conscious City Incubator


    Raoul Bunschoten, CHORA


    Architecture / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Theory / Urbanism

    ISBN 978-94-93329-08-9
    Price € 55.-
    Author & compilation Raoul Bunschoten, CHORA
    Photography Hélene Binet
    Editing Simone Warne, Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Design SJG / Joost Grootens, Mateo Broillet, Alexandre Debelloir, Dimitri Jeannottat, Chen Jhen, Silke Koeck, Arthur Roeloffzen, Carina Schwake, Stella Shi, Julie da Silva and Lorenzo Toso
    Number of pages 480
    Book size 23 x 29 cm
    Binding Hardcover
    Printing Tuijtel
    Release date April2024
    Publisher Jap Sam Books

    Universities and Architecture Schools involved in this publication: Architectural Association London. London Metropolitan University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Xiamen University, Tung Hai University Taichung, TU Berlin.

    Other institutions:  CHORA UK London, CHORA NL, CHORA Berlin, CHORA Conscious City at the TU Berlin.

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  • Below the Underground. Ansuya Blom
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    Below the Underground. Ansuya Blom

    Ansuya Blom, Laurie Cluitmans, Eleonoor Jap Sam [eds.]


    Art / Film / video / New titles

    ISBN 978-94-93329-09-6
    Price € 35,00
    Artist Ansuya Blom
    Editors Ansuya Blom, Laurie Cluitmans, Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Texts Laurie Cluitmans, Patrick Flores, Hendrik Folkerts, Yolande Zola Zoli van der Heide, Monika Szewczyk
    Photography Roy Taylor, Peter Cox, Gert Jan van Rooij, Tom Haartsen, LNDWSTudio, Claude Crommelin, T&R Henderson
    Editing Ansuya Blom, Laurie Cluitmans, Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Editorial & project assistance Isabel da Costa
    Design Studio Kader / Carolina Aboarrage
    Translation Kate Eaton (Woordwaarde), Michele Hutchison, Marie Louise Schoondergang
    Number of pages 288
    Book size 20.5 x 27.5 cm 
    Binding Softcover, sewn, dust jacket 
    Printing & binding NPN Printers
    Language English 
    Release date March 2024
    Publisher Jap Sam Books, in collaboration with Centraal Museum Utrecht

    With the support of Jaap Harten Fonds, Mondriaan Fund, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Creative Industries Fund NL, Stichting Niemeijer Fonds

    This publication was published in conjunction with the solo exhibition of Ansuya Blom at Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd, organized by the Centraal Museum (March 23rd - June 30th, 2024)


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  • Footprint 32 Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in the Digital Age
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    Footprint 32 Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling in the Digital Age

    Nelson Mota, Dirk van den Heuvel [eds.]


    Architecture / Bookazines / Series / New titles / Theory / Urbanism

    ISBN 978-94-92852-84-7
    Price € 25,00
    Issue editors Nelson Mota, Dirk van den Heuvel
    Production editors Stavros Kousoulas, Andrej Radman, Aleksandar Staničić
    Copy editor Heleen Schröder 
    Layout editor Lila Athanasiadou
    Number of pages tba
    Book size 19 x 25.7 cm
    Binding softcover
    Language English
    Publisher Jap Sam Books
    Co-publisher Architecture Theory Chair, Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment, Delft University of Technology

    Release date: Spring 2023


    Published in cooperation with Architecture Theory Chair (TU Delft) and Stichting Footprint: 

    For a subscription: Bruil & Van de Staaij 

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  • EURASIA - An Atlas
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    EURASIA - An Atlas

    Nav Haq, Joanna Zieliñska [eds.]


    Art / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Philosophy / Urbanism

    ISBN 978-94-92852-76-2
    Price € 34,00
    Editors Nav Haq, Joanna Zieliñska
    Graphic design Tariq Heijboer
    Number of pages 400
    Book size 17 x 24 cm
    Binding softcover with flaps
    Language English
    Release date December 2023
    Partner Museum Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen / M HKA
    Publisher Jap Sam Books

    Made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund

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  • The File on D. / Dossier D. | Arianne Olthaar
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    The File on D. / Dossier D. | Arianne Olthaar


    Arianne Olthaar, Arnon Grunberg


    Art / Artist books / New titles

    ISBN 978-94-93329-04-1
    Price € 30.-
    Artist Arianne Olthaar
    Texts Arnon Grunberg
    Photography Arianne Olthaar
    Editor Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Design Studio Janneke Hendriks
    Translation Robert van de Walle
    Number of pages 32
    Book size 17.4 x 24.9 cm
    Binding Leporello
    Printing Zwaan Lenoir
    Lithography Zwaan Lenoir
    Language English / Dutch
    Release date November 2023
    Publisher Jap Sam Books

    This book has been made possible with the generous support of the Jaap Harten Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Stichting Stokroos

    Promotional images by The Book Photographer.

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  • Notes on Happiness
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    Notes on Happiness

    Alex Farrar


    Art / Artist books / New titles

    ISBN 978-94-93329-00-3
    Price € 24,50
    Text Alex Farrar
    Editing David Price
    Proofreading Jak Skot, Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Design studioHendriksen
    Drawing Cover / I - XVIII; Daniel Jacoby
    Number of pages 184
    Book size 7.2 x 14.2 cm
    Binding Softcover with dustjacket
    Language English
    Release date November 2023
    Printer Zwaan Lenoir
    Publisher Jap Sam Books

    Made possible by Stichting Stokroos, Hinderrust Fonds, Jaap Harten Fonds, and paper sponsorship by Fedrigoni Benelux. 

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  • The Thinking Foot
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    The Thinking Foot

    A Pedestrian Study of Paving

    Thomas A P Van Leeuwen


    Architecture / New titles / Theory / Urbanism

    ISBN 978-94-93329-01-0
    Price € 39,95
    Author Thomas A P Van Leeuwen 
    Editor Helen I. Jessup
    Proofreading  Eleonoor Jap Sam, Giorgia Rota
    Design Joseph Plateau Grafisch Ontwerpers / Eliane Beyer
    Number of pages 248
    Book size 24 x 28 cm
    Binding hardcover
    Language English
    Printer Veldhuis Media
    Release date November 2023
    Publisher Les Éditions du Malentendu,

    Les Éditions du Malentendu is an imprint of Jap Sam Books. The Foundation 'Les Éditions du Malentendu' publishes studies in the field of art and culture that are of an outspoken artistic and scholarly inspiration, but for which no immediate commercial interest is offered. Yet the work should be of such global urgency that the world is thrilled with expectation.

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    My History with African-American Art

    Rob Perrée


    Art / New titles

    ISBN 978-94-92852-89-2
    Price € 27,50
    Author Rob Perrée
    Editor Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Translation Robert van de Walle, Jane Hall
    Design Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder)
    Number of pages 512
    Book size 12 x 19 cm
    Binding softcover
    Printer ORO Grafisch projectmanagement
    Language English edition
    Release date November 2023
    Publisher Jap Sam Books 

    Made possible with the support of Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, and Mondriaan Fund


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